The Lotus is a native Indian pond flower. It is described as a burst of purity in muddy waters and is a symbol of wisdom.
Lotus Gang is a brand built around art, education and empowerment.
Our GEN 0 collection contains 2,000 Lads and 2,000 Ladies that give you access to our ongoing projects and closed community.
By owning a Lad or Lady, you will receive exclusive insights from our research team and opportunities for exposure to other exciting communities across Blockchains.
Lotus Gang launched on Solana during October 2021. We donated $52,000 USD to United Sikhs to assist with the Farmer's Protest.
Our “roadmap” has continuously evolved since our humble beginnings. We continue to create value by expanding our scope and deep-diving into our strengths.
Launch the first project with equal males and females
Donate 10% of mint to charity
Onboard a charity to the blockchain to demonstrate the capabilities and raise awareness
Build a HUB WORLD of information and useful tools and opportunities for holders
Explore metaverse integration in the 2nd and 3rd dimension
Explore gaming and play-to-earn opportunities
Anything that creates value for holders and community
With the speed at which this space changes, we aim to adapt and deliver under any conditions. This means our roadmap is flexible with the only constant being the creation of value and a brand you can be proud of.